They have quite a few old story books with pictures in them of Biblical characters. The kids never seem to read them any more and some of them are very old with ripped covers and torn pages. I'm suggesting that they let the kids cut the characters out of the books and then use a glue stick to put those pictures into a notebook of some sort, possibly using a Composition Notebook. Then the name of the Biblical character could be written under the picture. As they are putting them into the book, the teacher could talk about each character so that the child knows who it is....
For example, if the child put a picture of Noah in his book, the teacher could talk about the big flood and could even help the child draw water and an ark around Noah.
The child could sit in church and go through the pages, looking at all the pictures and remembering the story of each character!
I saw a great website that teaches ELS to kids in Japan and she was looking for craft ideas for the kids using simple English. I think this would be a great craft for her to do with them, using any type of magazine or book. She could have the kids cut out pictures of common items, such as pets, or jobs, and then they could write in English, a description of the picture. Kids love looking through books, especially one they made!
I think that's a great idea!!
Thanks for the idea Bev. I have a terrible time getting my son to sit still even when he has markers and coloring books. This one he would love and get him to still still for once :)
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